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Tuesday, February 23, 2016

OFFICIAL Nevada Republican Caucus Results

Dear fans,
The caucus is over and the votes have been counted! 100% of the Republican votes are in! I now have seen the caucus in action! I have listed the winners below. I have also listed the total delegate total and how much are needed for the nomination. I have also listed the upcoming dates for future primaries and caucuses. I hope you enjoy and stay tuned for more political alerts, if you sign up for email reminders, you won't miss a post. Thank you again for reading!

Nevada Republican Caucus Winner - Donald Trump

Nevada Republican Caucus Results 
(OFFICIAL Through February 24, 2016 - 9:15 PM Pacific)

Donald Trump - 45.9% (14 Delegates)
Marco Rubio - 23.9% (7 Delegates)
Ted Cruz - 21.4% (6 Delegates)
John Kasich - 3.6% (1 Delegate)
Ben Carson - 4.8% (1 Delegate)

Total Delegate Total - Republican

Donald Trump - 81
John Kasich - 6
Ted Cruz - 17
Marco Rubio - 17
Ben Carson - 4

Future Primaries/Caucuses/Debates

Republican Presidential Primary Debate
Houston, Texas
February 26, 2016

South Carolina Democratic Primary
February 27, 2016

March 1, 2016
13 States Primaries/Caucuses

Don't forget to stay tuned for alerts by following the blog and signing up for email reminders!
Seriously, you guys are great readers, you keep me writing to fight against the liberals!


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